USPS Stamp Price Hike in July: What You Need to Know

USPS Stamp Price Hike in July: What You Need to Know

How Much Will Postage Cost You This July? A Look at the Upcoming Stamp Price Increase

Stamp Price Surge:

  – First-Class “Forever” stamps set to increase from 68 cents to 73 cents.

  – Represents an 8% jump in mailing service fees.

  – Continues a trend of steep price hikes, with stamp prices up 36% since 2019.

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Frequency of Increases:

  – Recent adjustments:

    – Two-cent increase in January.

    – Three-cent increase in July 2023.

Rationale Behind the Hikes:

  – USPS cites the need for financial stability.

  – Aligned with a 10-year plan introduced by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in 2021.

  – Despite increments, USPS asserts its rates remain globally competitive.

Impact Beyond Domestic Mail:

  – Postcard prices also on the rise:

    – Domestic postcards climbing from 53 cents to 56 cents.

    – International postcard rates ascending from $1.55 to $1.65.

Regulatory Approval:

  – Rare for regulators to decline USPS requests, though exceptions exist.

  – Previous denial in 2010 due to USPS’s failure to quantify the impact of economic downturns.

Challenges Amid Digital Shift:

  – Shift towards digital communication reducing the volume of traditional mail.

  – Volume of individual letters halved over the past decade.

Reforms and Financial Outlook:

  – Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s initiatives aimed at bolstering USPS finances.

  – Despite efforts, USPS anticipates a $6.3 billion loss in 2024.

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